Read our latest report!
Download Final Report Series 5pdfThe co-creation of the Grimsby Dads Collective is one of the core innovations of the Following Young Fathers Further study.
Why we created a dads group in Grimsby
Research suggests that high quality support from services can made a big difference to young fathers, their children and the mothers of their children, supporting them both in the present and in achieving their future aspirations (Neale et al. 2015).1
However, fathers tend to perceive that support services are targeted towards mothers, meaning they often feel excluded (Barnardo’s, 2012). Professionals also tend to perceive young fathers as ‘hard to reach’ but have limited resource and time to address how services might instead be ‘difficult to access’ (Davies and Neale, 2015).2Underpinned by methods of co-production and co-creation, a major objective of Following Young Fathers Further is to address the marginalisation of young fathers in support contexts, working directly with them and the professionals who support them, to promote and implement a practice and policy environment that recognises the importance of involved fathers both for (young) fathers, mothers, children and society as a whole. The establishment of the Grimsby Dads Collective is central to the development of this work.
Working in partnership as a collaborative
Since January 2020, we have been working in close partnership with young fathers in Grimsby, national childcare charity Coram Family and Childcare, and Grimsby based charities Together for Childhood (NSPCC) and YMCA Humber, to co-create and establish the Grimsby Dads Collective. Co-creation is a participatory method that involves the promotion and use of creative, inclusive and democratic approaches to collaboration, with the aim of empowering communities by valuing lived experience, challenging power dynamics, and addressing social injustices. Premised on a successful participatory and evidence-based model called the Young Dads Collective (established by Coram Family and Childcare), the aim of our work is too train select young fathers as ‘experts by experience’ who advocate on behalf of themselves and others. Professionals from mainstream and specialist services are the main audience and are encouraged to reflect on, and make positive changes to their practices, influenced by the voices and experiences of dads.
The Grimsby Dads Collective today
The Grimsby Dads Collective continues to be hosted by YMCA Humber and is now active in hosting a weekly weekend dads group and delivering training locally and regionally to multi-agency professionals about the value and importance of father-inclusive practice.
You can read our interim report on the first two years of the co-creation process here:
Download Reportpdf